Symbolism, universal and particular, has its roots in everyday experience. In a
sense, symbols transcend and sustain visions that flow above and beyond the
harsh realities of the world. Acting as mental catalysts, the complex of
symbols composing individual consciousness sustain tangible areas of the inner
world which have a reflection in the outer world. Simultaneously personal and
universal in pictorial content and reflected meaning symbols provide rich and
diverse sources of imagery. Intensely interested in the power of symbolism,
throughout my artistic career I have consciously, and sometimes unconsciously ,
woven symbolic themes into the substructures of my paintings. Although I am
oblivious at the moment of creation there are times when I later discover that
my artworks were a metaphor reflecting archetypal passages in my life at the
time I painted them. Subconsciously, I am drawn to symbols that express things
that are hidden from my conscious self.

“Cloud Chamber”, depicts a seated woman under a thin veil. Upon
further inspection the viewer realizes she is frozen in time and space.
One imagines that when the veil slips away she will become animated once
again. The symbol occurred to me as I remembered furniture that was
covered ,in a summer house that was closed up for the winter months and
later uncovered the following season. There are periods in life when one
introverts and in time emerges changed although nothing exterior acts upon
them. Everything is contained within, not unlike a cocoon formed around a
caterpillar that later emerges as a beautiful butterfly.
depicts three figures gradually metamorphosing into butterflies. The theme
of a covered form is revisited throughout the years and reappears in my work
as in the paintings “Initiation”, “Mind Mirror”,
and the metamorphosed figure gradually reemerges in “Edge of
Addressing the transformational process of life, mythology assists in
opening the gates to awareness and helps us to access our own personal myths
that inform the psyche. Some of my inspiration is founded upon timeless
mythological sources, an encoded legendary narrative that speaks through
parable and allegory The hawk in “Mythic Matrix” alludes to
periods in life when we meet overwhelming obstacles that burn or consume
us. In the well known Phoenix myth a bird is consumed by fire and rises
from the ashes to live again. Penetrating the unconscious and discovering
the wisdom of the hidden mind leads us upon an exciting journey of
self-discovery. This descent is archetypically reflected in the classical
myth in which Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, is abducted and
taken to the dark underworld. Each year she is allowed to return to the
“Persephone’s Door” depicts the moment when Persephone looks
back before descending into the underworld penetrating veiled entryways to
revelation. Like Persephone before us, we too must make our descent into
the darkness of our unknown regions to find enlightenment., and returning
from our inward journey, reflect the light upon the earth.